In Need Of A Hobby

Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Mysterious And Amazing Structure of YouTube

I'll try and not bore you to much with YouTube talk because I'm sure you've heard it for awhile now. Dave and I have had several small conversations about the life span this site will have. Extremely popular, in high demand, and yet it seems to have no strong business plan to generate revenue. Will YouTube live? Both Dave and I hope so. And so do millions of other people. The issue of YouTube is the hosting costs and managing bandwidth. They do generate some revenue but that is one of the many YouTube secrets. Such giants as Google and Yahoo haven't missed the hits being generated on the site and are quick to get into the YouTube/video sharing game. It's fascinating to watch...not just the video's but the business as well. I look forward to see what happens and if they can make YouTube work.

Fortune YouTube article: Don't Touch That Dial

I also enjoyed this article that shares some numbers / stats on YouTube. Written by Lee Gomes, I found it pretty interesting. 15 Minutes of Fame


  • Update your blog.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:53 PM  

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